Danny McCavangh
SBL Ireland Rep
I am Alvins SBL representative in Ireland.
My martial arts journey began at 7, where I joined the local judo club in Belfast.
I trained there til I was 14 when I decided to put most of my efforts into my hurling career.
In my 20's I started to pursue my interest in martial arts again. First, I started training Chow Gar Kung Fu in my early 20s and then Muay Thai with Frank McConville, who introduced me to Alvin Guinanao in 2002.
I've trained Silat Buka Lingkaran with Alvin ever since and have never looked back.
My martial arts journey began at 7, where I joined the local judo club in Belfast.
I trained there til I was 14 when I decided to put most of my efforts into my hurling career.
In my 20's I started to pursue my interest in martial arts again. First, I started training Chow Gar Kung Fu in my early 20s and then Muay Thai with Frank McConville, who introduced me to Alvin Guinanao in 2002.
I've trained Silat Buka Lingkaran with Alvin ever since and have never looked back.
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