
Meet Ivaylo Hanifa, Bulgaria

Ivaylo shares his remarkable journey from traditional martial arts and commando service to the discovery of SBL and its profound impact on his physical and mental well-being.

Ash: Hi Ivaylo! We'd love to hear about your experience with Silat Buka Lingkaram (SBL) and how it has impacted your life.

Ivaylo: Hi there, Ash! I'll do my best to share my experience without overwhelming you with details. First, a bit about my background. I've been involved in martial arts since I was 13, and I'm now 48. I began with Shotokan karate, where I earned a black belt. Later, I trained in kickboxing and even participated in competitions, although competition was never my primary focus.

Ash: That's impressive. Can you tell us more about your professional background?

Ivaylo: Certainly, Ash. My career took me down a unique path. I served as a commando in an elite anti-terror unit and later worked as a bodyguard alongside former colleagues. Physical fitness was a crucial aspect of my job, and I maintained my martial arts skills throughout. However, the approach was different from traditional martial arts, given the specialized training and emphasis on weapons and tactics.

Ash: How did you transition into Taoist traditions and SBL?

Ivaylo: About 18 years ago, I discovered Taoist yoga and Taoist internal martial arts, such as Taiji Quan, Xin Yi Quan, and Bagua Zhang. I've been practicing and teaching these arts for several years. My interest in Penchak Silat, especially in Silat Buka Lingkaram, grew when I came across videos on YouTube. I recognized its potential benefits due to my background in internal martial arts, and I was intrigued by its holistic approach.

Ash: Can you share some of the main benefits you've experienced from SBL training?

Ivaylo: Of course, Ash! SBL has had a profound impact on my physical and mental well-being. Some key benefits I've noticed include:

  • Alignment of the skeleton along the correct lines of force, reducing the risk of injury and benefiting all physical activities.
  • Activation and alignment of tendons and fascia, improving organ function and overall health.
  • Exceptional orientation and coordination in space due to varied movements and unique positions.
  • Development of strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination in a holistic manner.
  • Engagement of muscles and tissues not typically exercised in daily life, promoting physical longevity.
  • Opening up the body, enhancing flexibility, balance, and strength.
  • The joy of performing graceful and harmonious movements, like a tiger.

Ash: That's quite a list of benefits. Any final thoughts or recommendations?

Ivaylo: I could go on, but let me summarise. SBL requires only your body, consciousness, willpower, and a little space. It's suitable for anyone interested in their overall psycho-physical condition. It complements any physical activity or martial art beautifully. In my life, I've always invested my time in meaningful pursuits, and SBL is one of the best discoveries I've made. It harmoniously enhances everything else I do.

- Ivaylo

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